Recovery Resources
recommended reading (click on the image to purchase)
Focus on the Family
How to overcome porn addiction & restore relationships
Pornography is a complicated issue that’s not just about sex, but there is hope for recovery. With guidance and hard work, users can overcome their addiction and relationships can be restored.
Porn is making angry husbands
Pornography dishonors God and all the people involved. And pornography use damages relationships, physical health and more. Pastor and author Gary Thomas observes that pornography seems to be a link to anger in many men.
a lifelong love: discovering how intimacy with god breathes passion into your marriage
Whether you are feeling discouraged about your marriage or simply want to infuse your relationship with greater spiritual and relational passion, author Gary Thomas offers guidance to help you embrace the eternal intentions that God has for your marriage.
the focus on the family broadcast
Here’s a rundown on the most recent broadcasts to help your marriage thrive, as well as other recent episodes that listeners loved:
- Maximizing the Happiness in Your Marriage
- Friends Helping Friends: Identifying Abuse in Marriage
- Breathe Spiritual Life into Your Marriage
- A Godly Perspective on End-of-Life Decisions
"no porn" Marriage podcast
“Honey, we need to talk…” If you’ve discovered that your spouse struggles with pornography, be sure to listen to this six-episode podcast from Focus on the Family to get practical help for rebuilding trust.
"aftershock: overcoming his secret life with pornography: a plan for recovery"
- Raising Sons to Be Honorable Men
- Connecting with Your Teen Daughter
- Finding God’s Healing for Sexual Brokenness